The Spartan Algorithm
Your best decision
Will AI change the world? Yes, but not that much.
People are not replaceable. It will always be human factors which decide how successfully strategy is operationalised.
Next Generation Leadership
Senior leaders known they need junior colleagues empowered to make timely decisions in dynamic markets, but worry
Frequently Asked Questions
How is this different?
How is training delivered?
Can individuals participate?
What about COVID-19 recovery?
We hold that complex decision making is the key to success in a complex world, and it is the critical enabler for effective leadership.
Through a combination of online presentations, readings, quizzes, group sessions and one-on-one coaching delivered to teams, teams of teams and enterprise level leadership.
Yes. Our training is provided as in house programmes for companies and to private individuals and delivered to teams, teams of teams,
The pandemic will continue to disrupt commerce world wide for at least the next 2 to 5 years. Only the most agile companies will surivie, and leadership will be key.
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